Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 4 - 8, 2011

Cleo's kittens at 13 days, eyes opening, and far more able to wiggle and creep.  Cleo seems to have decided I mean no harm and so it is safe to leave them while I am there, sparing her my intent gaze while drawing.  The last one is a kitten in my hand, held against my sweater (belly); a child handed her to me, and so I drew her.  All kittens are female until proven otherwise.


Amy Mann said...

I love these, of course! =^..^=

Em said...

Such soft looking little things... I particularly like the third and fifth ones down - little cat-butter-fat fed babies!

Helen O said...

What a fine cat! And I love the thought of cat-butter-fat! They must get a lot of it to grow so fast.

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