Friday, May 6, 2011

5 May 2011

Three smallies, or hors d'oeuvres
For about 10 years I have been making what I started out calling Palette Cleaners, because they began when I had excess acrylic paint at the end of a session and didn't want to waste it.  I invented designs on scraps of pine board I had on hand (intended for woodcuts some day).  I soon realized that these are teaching tools - for teaching myself about a lot of things; colour, value, and composition, as well as making me realize that although I say I can only paint from what is directly in front of me, these smallies graphically demonstrate this is a false belief.

I decided the term palette cleaner had pejorative connotations, and started calling them Smallies, but that didn't quite fit, either.  I now call them Hors d'Oeuvres, which means "outside of one's (regular) work", and this is what they are.  Cooks make hors d'oeuvres outside of their preparing the main meal; I make them outside of my current painting activity.  Thus they are outside the main work I am doing, and I find are leading me into broader ways of thinking about what I do. 

This avenue of discovery has accelerated since I began more intensive and more frequent drawing at the beginning of this year.  Above are three that I began a few weeks ago, using up acrylic paint, and finished yesterday, adding both colours from a new palette of acrylic paint and also some new colours which I wanted.


Em said...

AH! I absolutely Love the assigned name "Hors d'Oeuvres"!! What a wonderful term you've come up with!

I have been using blank canvas for brush wiping... which means I often have muckle-dunn underpainting or under-under-painting... so frugal.

These are well worth clicking on to blow up and admire the texture.

Helen O said...

What a wonderful idea! I'm going to try that, to break me away from believing I have to start with a blank canvas and then draw on it. Another thing to try for the two-person show "Explorations in Paint" that I'm doing with Louise Baker. We were selected to share a show by the Lunenburg Art Gallery and Louise came up with the title, which I'm finding is more than unlimiting (in the sense that no medium or subject is specified), it is expanding for me - although I haven't much to show yet.

Helen O said...

My daughter suggested I name them all for meal courses; Starters or Appetizers for small paintings, Main Courses, and Deserts - saved for those occasional paintings which flow from the brush almost on their own...too much deciding and sorting for me.

Em said...

Well, "Main Courses" might be a bit heavy sounding for a standard painting, "meat and potatoes" sounds a bit like the things one does that sell well rather than the size or duration, but Deserts - Oh yeah - You'd Know when you were in the middle of a desert!

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