Sunday, January 16, 2011

15 January 2011

View from Nyna's Couch

I'm colour-hungry and large-mark hungry!  Time for something different....


Amy Mann said...

Another GORGEOUS one! You are so good with interiors, perspective, line, detail... everything! I feel like I could walk into these spaces, and I really enjoy gazing at the drawings.

Em said...

I agree there's a feeling of walking into these drawings... I was looking at these two, and thinking that here, again, I'm led to think about how much of your personal space you leave open to the world as a whole when you engage in depicting yourself, your life spaces, your favorite things. Your spaces look comforting and your drawings perform a nicely balanced dance of delicate line and weighty darkness. Thank you for sharing!

Helen O said...

I'm glad you find these two drawings "enterable"; I think this comes from my being right there in the space myself and also having a wider angle of view through my own eyes than a camera can make without distortion - or rather with a distortion of another kind.

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