Shoveling Snow
black Conte crayon
How might shoveling snow be rendered in a drawing? I wondered about this as I shoveled. The resulting drawing is a map of how I shovel my driveway, with the scale distorted; my driveway is longer in proportion to its width. More isn't needed to indicate my shoveling pattern: no one will use this as a guide to shoveling my driveway!
I began with the long marks going out to the sides, representing my pushing the snow from centre to edges, approximating the shape and direction of these sweeps. The short strokes represent the sides of the snowbanks as I lifted each scoopful of snow, and the scribbles are the dumped snow on the tops of the banks. Those things on the lower left are my doormat on the doorstep and my green cart. The loopy marks are my footprints. That line with Xs is the tread of the snowplow on the street, even though it hadn't actually gone by yet.
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You know how a sensory homunculus is proportioned to show how much of the brain is devoted to various senses... for instance the hands are huge? This reminds me of a motor/effort map: All that effort around the edges, the lifting, the long pushing...
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